You are probably asking yourself, what is SoapBerry
and How does it fit my stack?
Well for now, SoapBerry is a set a crates, making the foundation of a framework for building event-first applications.
For now, let me introduce this book.

This Book
This is not a book.
Well technincally, it uses mdBook
But I mean how many books you know, are added and updated daily?... (I mean except for O'Reilly's MEAP program).
Anyways. This Book contains two parts.
- The Usage part. This is probably where you should go. This part explains everything related to the applications and libraries and crates.
- The Development part.
This part holds architectural documents, explanations and diagrams related to the development and inner-workings of the
that cannot fit better elsewhere. (like for example page of each crate or comments in their code base or example folders for them)
Note on grammatical and spelling mistakes
Please note that English is not my native language. So if you have seen any mistakes please open an issue or make a pull-request. I will appreciate it!